Call for Doctoral Consortium

The ICON Organizing Committee is pleased to release this Call For Papers for the 3rd Doctoral Consortium. This event extends an opportunity for doctoral candidates to present and discuss their research with a panel of experts. The discussion would include a feedback on the evolution and progress of their research. It also helps them to identify the roadmap and additional studies, which could help refine the shape of their doctoral thesis. The doctoral consortium will be a one-day or half day event being organized on December 14, 2023, as part of the ICON-2023 conference at Goa University, Goa, India.

The applicants are required to submit a two-page extended abstract of their PhD research work. Submit your abstracts at this link. The shortlisted candidates would be invited to the consortium where they are required to present a summary of their research. Each candidate will be given 30 minutes for the presentation, which will be followed by a discussion of 15 minutes, led by a panel of experts. Prospective doctoral students from language technologies related disciplines are invited to apply. The selection of participants will be based on the submitted abstracts.